“For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required.”
Luke 12:48
Stewardship is our response to God’s grace and moves us from grace to gratitude. Orthodox Christian Stewardship is a way of life which acknowledges accountability, reverence, and responsibility before God. God gives it all and then calls us to share. Everything we have and everything we are is a gift from God. Stewardship is the ability to share our gifts of life, time, talent, and treasure with others – with no strings attached and no conditions. We share these gifts out of our love for God and gratitude to Him.
The Christian Faith is founded on the Love, freely given, of Jesus Christ to us, the Church. Our response to His Love must be equally free. For this reason, we have set no minimum Stewardship commitment. It is recommended, however, that each parishioner evaluate their commitment in comparison with other annual expenditures (such as insurance, utilities, entertainment, or dining out) and make any adjustments deemed appropriate.
Please remember, we give to Christ and His Church our first fruits, not only according to our means, but according to our love for Him, offering not only our financial support, but our talents, skills and experience.
To be considered a member in good standing, Parishioners are asked fill out a Pledge Card each year.
2024 Pledge cards are available for download HERE.
If you would like to mail in a donation, Donation Forms are available for download HERE.